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Jul 1 2024 11:26PMJul 1 2024 11:26PMProject-Based Learning on Teaching Communications Circuits;

Antonio Luiz Pereira de Siqueira Campos, Marcio Eduardo da Costa Rodrigues, Mailson Rodrigues de Medeiros Guimarães, Cefas Rodrigues Freire, José Arilton Pereira Filho, Leidiane Carolina Martins de Moura Fontoura;


[67] 03. Metodologias de ensino/aprendizagem

[241] 03.1. Estratégias pedagógicas

The paper presents the project of a curriculum for the Communications Circuits course implementing Project-Based Learning (PBL) as instructional methodology to stimulate students to incorporate research for problem-solving in their course activities. The proposal, aligned to the new Brazilian national curriculum guidelines for Engineering, immerses students in problem-solving cases and focuses patterns which reflect the emphasis nowadays stablished in the developing of competences and in mastering the course contents, evidencing the learning success. Herein, it is presented the methodology itself and reports of achieved results, comparing data from classes following traditional learning methodologies with the ones in which PBL was used.

Project-Based Learning, PBL, Communications Circuits, Circuits for Communications.