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Analyzing The Impact Of Hands-On Activities In A Public School;

Maria Gabriela Valeriano, Lilian Hoshida, CLAUDIA NEVES DO MONTE, Lara Kühl Teles, Karla Donato Fook, Leila Ribeiro dos Santos, Sueli Sampaio Damin Custódio, Monica Mitiko Soares Matsumoto;


[103] 12. Interação com a Educação Básica

[321] 12.Interação com a Educação Básica

The scarcity of professionals in STEM careers is a significant concern, and studies have shown that students' lack of motivation plays a role in their decision to avoid pursuing careers in the hard sciences. To address this issue, several initiatives have been implemented to present STEM careers in a more engaging and attractive manner. One such initiative is the STEM2D project at XX University, which offers various activities to support undergraduate students and encourage girls to pursue careers in STEM fields. In 2021, the project included the development of a bioengineering course for high school students. In this study, we examined the impact of this course on students' perceptions of STEM. Our findings shed light on the following key observations: the activity had a positive impact, increasing students' interest in STEM areas although it did not move them to plan achieving a career in hard sciences. Activities with sustained and continuous impact are more may be needed to influence career decisions.

Women in STEM, Hands-on activities, Teenager motivation in STEM, Public schools